Fumigation Services
Fumes R Us offers a wide variety of fumigation services. Here are a few of our specialties:
- Boat Fumigations (dry-docked).
- Commercial building fumigations
- Apartment building and condominium specialists. With special care and concern for the multi-dwelling occupants.
- Beach Front Properties (taking special care and consideration of tide levels and construction types).
- Furniture & Antique fumigation for beetles, termites, and bed bugs (your belongings will be fumed at our Lynwood facility warehouse). The process takes a minimum of two days. You will need to arrange for pick-up and delivery. Call our office if you have any questions or to make an appointment.
- Lunch Truck Fumigations – at our facility : 10868 Drury Lane in Lynwood CA 90262.
- Federal Buildings (We have background clearance).
- Schools
- Nursing Homes
- Restaurants
- Hill side properties
Frequently Asked Questions
How much fumigant should be applied to my home?
This can only be determined by the fumigator, as factors such as target pest, exposure time, seal of the structure, weather conditions, temperature etc... will be calculated in order to figure the total amount of gas to be used.
Read MoreTermite Facts

There are many species of structural infesting termites and each one has developed effective ways to get at and attack the wood in your home. Preventing termite attack and killing these...
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