Frequently Asked Questions
How much fumigant should be applied to my home?
This can only be determined by the fumigator, as factors such as target pest, exposure time, seal of the structure, weather conditions, temperature etc… will be calculated in order to figure the total amount of gas to be used.
What items need to be removed from my house prior to the fumigation?
Living plants, animals, people, and your daily medications. If you have baby mattresses sealed in plastic please remove the plastic or take the mattress out of the property.
What items do I bag up?
- Food in your refrigerator and freezer should be bagged in the special fumigation bags we will provide you with.
- Medicine or other orally ingested bathroom items.
- Food not sealed in glass or metal containers in your cupboards such as cardboard, plastic, Tupperware stored goods etc… If it is in its original glass or metal container you do not need to bag it. This includes alcohol, spices, and bottled water.
Do I have to wash anything after the fumigation?
Absolutely not! There is no residual to fumigation so you literally move right back in and its business as usual.
What happens to my oil paintings or electronics?
Nothing. Sulfuryl fluoride is used to fumigate electronic equipment in warehouses all the time. We often fumigate artifacts in museums as well as hospitals and historical landmarks.
Will all my plants around the outside of my home die?
The fumigator needs ideally 12 inches of clearance around the perimeter of your structure in order to get a proper seal. Some plants that are extremely close may be affected, however you can minimize damage by watering the soil several days prior to fumigation and moving any potted or hanging plants away from our working area. If you have any creeping vines or bogemvilla, try and have clearance for our crew to work around these plants. We will take extra care to not intentionally damage any plants.
Will my roof be damaged?
Not likely. If you have a rock or composition roof you should be fine. The only time we experience difficult situations is with fragile tile roofs. However we do often use foam pads when possible and our fumigator can advise you before hand if he feels there will be breakage.
Can I shut the gas off and relight the pilots myself?
No. The Utilities Company is very strict on this matter and will not allow anyone other than themselves to shut off and relight your meter.
Frequently Asked Questions
How much fumigant should be applied to my home?
This can only be determined by the fumigator, as factors such as target pest, exposure time, seal of the structure, weather conditions, temperature etc... will be calculated in order to figure the total amount of gas to be used.
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